Together with the British studio William Matthews Associates, we won an internationalcompetition launched by the Brno City Chief Architect’s Office.
As part of the team, we will actively participate in the implementation of the project. And what areour plans?
The landscape design takes an organic approach to the shape of the banks, bringing back theirbiological value and allowing the river to overflow naturally. The wild and natural character of theplace will become a counterpoint to the otherwise very urbanised and altered cityscape.
In terms of vegetation, the design divides the project area into geographical zones, ranging fromsoftwood riparian woodland, through hardwood riparian woodland to urban-type woodlanddominated by oak and hornbeam, with the purposeful addition of non-native tree species.
The area of the park will be left to controlled succession (where spontaneously emergingvegetation will be supported); only selected, highly exposed areas will be sown purposefully withgrass and herbaceous plant species. In this wild environment, the planted trees form a distinctlinear structure; in addition to these, we expect more woody plant species to emerge, such asgoat willow. This urban wilderness will bring value not only to humans, but also to otherorganisms.
Visualization: Fig. 1, 2: 2DR; Fig. 3: monolot
You can find more information HERE.
L&SCAPE s.r.o.
Bělehradská 568/92
120 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic
T: +420 608 235 674