The Dlouhý Pond is the largest water body in the Chateau Garden, its history going back to the first half of the 18th century when it was used for doing laundry. A map from the end of the 18th century shows a smaller water body at the same location, which probably served as a fish storage pond. As the Chateau Garden was transformed into a landscape park in the first half of the 19th century, the Dlouhý Pond was given its current shape and size.
As part of the revitalisation project for the Chateau Garden, mud will be removed from this water body and its banks will be stabilised to reverse the effect of many years of erosion. The banks will be filled with rocks and the bottom will be reshaped and resloped. Each of the ponds in the garden will have piers for ease of maintenance, but also for use by visitors. Analyses of the pond sediments have shown that the material is suitable for storage and later reuse in recultivation works. .The whole water system of the Chateau Garden will be revitalised in a similar manner.
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