Dlouhý, Divoký and Chotkův ponds
As part of the revitalisation project for the Chateau Garden, the whole water system is being revitalised, including mud removal from the water bodies and stabilisation of their shorelines, in order to reverse the effect of many years of erosion. The Dlouhý pond, where the works have already been completed, is currently being re-filled with water.
Mlýnská strouha
The garden’s water system includes a small stream – Mlýnská strouha – whose banks also require stabilisation. In this case, the landscaping works will rely on natural materials, which will also prevent the erosion of the sloped banks. Mud will be removed and the stream’s slope ratio will be changed to 1:2. To fortify the banks, three horizontal rows of woven willow fencing will be installed. After the bank vegetation gets well established, it will grow over the fences, which will disappear from the visitors’ sight.
To fortify the banks at the beginning of Mlýnská strouha, we will use riprap with footing made of graded quarry stone.
L&SCAPE s.r.o.
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120 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic
T: +420 608 235 674
E: info@landscape.archi