SL / Projects

Study (Public)

Design concept for the Ohře river bank, canoe landing and path, Sokolov town


The design examines the potential of the project areas and proposes possible solutions within the limits of the territory.


The proposed solution takes into account the broader context and introduces new functions and opportunities for social and natural interactions.

Emphasis is placed on permeability of the project areas, connecting them both to the town centre and the water.


Interventions in the existing environment are designed in such a way as to make the area more liveable for people but, at the same time, create conditions for the development of both existing and new habitats.


Site A includes the bed of the Lobezský Stream between the municipal authority building and the stream’s confluence with the River Ohře.  The aim is to revitalise the banks and make them partially accessible, creating a new green urban axis in the form of a linear park along the stream.

Site B comprises the embankment of the River Ohře between the II/210 road bridge and the Kraslická road bridge.  The goal is to revitalise the embankment and open it up to visitors by creating new recreational and activity spaces and adding street furniture and other elements within the limits set by the River Authority. It is also desirable to create a canoe landing site for paddlers and cover the view of the steam pipeline going through the area.

Site C includes the river islands between the Krejcarova footbridge and the Kraslická road bridge. The aim is to leave the islands to wildlife and optimise the conditions to support nesting and habitat development.



Project date

study 2024


Sokolov Municipal Authority

General planner

L&SCAPE s.r.o.

Our work

Landscape concept


Ecology and biodiversity: Mgr. Jan Albert Šturma, hydrology: MV Projekt

L&SCAPE s.r.o.
Bělehradská 568/92
120 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic

T: +420 608 235 674

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