The Molo Lipno project, situated on the shore of the Lipno Reservoir, consists of several different spaces: a promenade between the apartment buildings and the hotel, the inner courtyard of the apartment buildings themselves, the space around the hotel, and a nature park connecting the resort with the beach.
Elements indigenous to the Šumava Mountains – plants, rocks – play a central part in the landscaping design.
The promenade, designed to become a distinct axis, has a more urban character.
The nature park is the most diverse space, offering the opportunity for various activities, as well as attractive views of the reservoir and the surrounding landscape. It is a meadow planted with scattered trees which offer both shady and sunny spots.
The inner courtyard is dominated by a reflecting pool, consisting of two parts situated at different heights. The surrounding vegetation is distinctive but wild, featuring aspen trees, ornamental grasses and bulbous plants. It changes throughout the year – like the surrounding landscape.
Design: Chapman Taylor,
Lipno nad Vltavou
project 2018, realisation 2021
Exceder Enterprise
Chapman Taylor
landscape architecture
L&SCAPE s.r.o.
Bělehradská 568/92
120 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic
T: +420 608 235 674