Biotope regeneration for conservation objects and creation of visitor infrastructure in Vávrovský Ponds special area of conservation (study 2019) The project area is situated on the southern – south-eastern border of Vrbné Ponds, a special area of conservation under NATURA 2000 (SAC). This area is included in Vrbné Ponds nature reserve (NR) and its buffer zone (BZ), and it is a part of Českobudějovické Ponds, a special protected area (SPA) under NATURA 2000. The area also includes Great Vávrovský Pond, a local BC10 biocentre, and a local BK15 green corridor to Lišovský Pond.
Visualizations by: neoVISUAL
České Budějovice
project 2019
České Budějovice municipality
water resource management: MV projekt, landscape rendering: neoVISUAL
L&SCAPE s.r.o.
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120 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic
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