The existing necklace = a natural string of streams with the beads of Zdiměřice ponds
New elements of the necklace = wood, rock, packed gravel/ oak pier platform with bold line furniture, a paved green, packed gravel surface of the wooden bowling alley
Existing shapes = nature / smooth, amoeba-like, soft, random / pebbles
New shapes = man/ sharp, trapezoid, strict, geometric lines / crystals
The pier is like a garden snake slithering down the hill and swimming through the water / service function, relaxation, a platform for performances or culture events, close contact with water above the shallow plant-lined litoral zone; its trapezoid shape is dictated by the intention to complete definition of space and the perception that it is closed / a boat can be anchored on the water plane by the pier / material: natural oak
Prominent prisms cut out of felled timber or wastewood / a bold “land art” dominant / placed around the whole area / a unifying, connecting element / continuity for all new elements of the necklace / material: depending on available hard wood, ideally natural oak / 450 x 400 x 2,500 mm / 9 pcs
Comfortable base park benches with a back rest and a garbage can will be placed on the rocky green under the hundred-year-old lime tree to ensure comfortable sitting / material: wooden boards + iron substructure / 6 pcs
A crystal on the bank of a stream / a subtle trapezoid green at the heart of the village / a meeting point / the whole area will be paved with irregular bond stones with irregular pattern / the trapezoid shape of the green again follows the need to complete the space and close it off / the lime tree grows in the symbolic centroid / an ideal new location for the nearby campanile – a place for the Sunday sermon, contemplation or simply waiting for the bus / just rock, wood, campanile and the lime tree; nothing else / material: the same rock as on the banks of the ponds
The intimate back side of the pond will be embraced by the new reinforced path crossing the wooden pier and connecting the outbound reinforced areas / paved with irregular bond stones with irregular pattern / w. 1,500 mm
We respect the existing variety of surrounding nature / we add the same tree species so the location does not suffer (2 pcs of European alder) / pond banks and adjacent areas will be covered with a cut lawn to emphasize the natural modeling of the terrain and the banks / the litoral zone of the pond will feature resistant wetland vegetation / some of the water plane will be covered with white water lilies
Sunken ground lights establish a connecting and orientation line across the project area / the beam of light crossing the territory and showing visitors their way through the dark / 17 pcs
A prominent wooden bowling alley is placed beside heading into the Návesní pond in the packed gravel square / leisure activity / waterside contemplation and fun / the bowling alley will feature linear resting benches with a garbage can
Jesenice creek crossing the territory of Jesenice and Zdiměřice is a defining landscape element of the area together with the three Zdiměřice ponds.
This area is located at 320 – 340 m above sea level, i.e. the area is level and flat, with a very small elevation difference.
It is a part of Český brod bioregion of Hercynia subprovince. This bioregion is located in the central part of Central Bohemia and it roughly overlaps with the Český brod plateau, the Eastern part of the Prague plateau and a part of Čáslav basin.
According to the data from the Species Occurrence Database (NDOP), rare and protected fauna and flora species occur very rarely in the area in question. Not a single occurrence of a rare or protected species of higher plants has been reported in the area. The situation is slightly better in terms of fauna. Several species of frog are linked to the ponds and preserved natural biotopes (forests and meadows); the common kingfisher or the Eurasian otter are regularly spotted near the ponds and streams; the white stork and different sparrowhawks migrate over the territory, too. These occurrences prove biological significance of local watercourses and ponds.
As a part of the project to revitalize all three Zdiměřice ponds the client commissioned a concept study to regenerate and improve the surroundings of Návesní pond, the smallest one of the group.
The concept was developed in coordination with HG Projekt, the project supplier who delivered the water revitalization project, and with the contractor which implemented it.
For this reason, we tried to use the same materials and technologies which had already been used. The same coordination applied to selection and placement of the range of species of wetland or woody plants. This cross-cutting cooperation facilitated the creation of a unified, comprehensive conceptual study of the project area.
For positioning purposes, the whole territory is split into two parts:
Hrnčířská street, the backbone road crossing this area, is the border line separating the two parts. This is why it was necessary to connect both parts, enabling easy back-and-forth movement of visitors. This was achieved by proposing a new pedestrian crossing which directly connects to the new rock-paved path. The new crossing was necessary due to another important point – at the level of the water gate and the culvert, the street is so narrow that there is no space for making it wider and building a separate sidewalk. It is, therefore, necessary to take visitors across the road to the other side, and onto the existing sidewalk.
project 2018
Jesenice municipality
geodetic survey: Jurisgeo, cost estimates: M. Pivrnec, technical infrastructure: Růžička a partneři, landscape rendering: neoVISUAL
L&SCAPE s.r.o.
Bělehradská 568/92
120 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic
T: +420 608 235 674