SL / Projects

Competition (Public)

The Ostrava – Poruba Castle Park

The Poruba Castle Park is a unique natural area on the southern edge of Ostrava’s Poruba district, which includes the building of the Poruba Castle. Unique for its distinctive morphology, this city park is wedged between a housing estate, a pond and the magnificent mass of the Poruba Arc. Two relatively busy roads form the boundary of the area. In addition, the southern road makes it impossible to connect the park directly to the recreational part of the pond – something we consider very unfortunate.


The regeneration project aims to change the existing undignified environment, making all disturbing elements less visible for visitors. The aim is to recreate the space as a meaningful, interconnected whole, worthy of the name Poruba Park. The design creates strong connections between the park and the area of the Arc, as well as between the north-eastern residential part and the pond.  We respect and support the landmark elements: the Arc, which is a cultural monument, the valuable trees in the park, and the pond and stream.



Project date

study 2020


Town of Ostrava

Our work

conceptual design of the castle park and related surroundings


visualisation: neoVISUAL

L&SCAPE s.r.o.
Bělehradská 568/92
120 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic

T: +420 608 235 674

Data Processing Contract

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